Let us know if you have a community event you would like us to add, use our contact page to let us know.
Events in Brighton, Hove and Southwick can be found at across the border
1st Mon
Hop Aboard The Railway Eggspress at the Railway Inn, Station Road. Today there will be an Easter themed quiz night from 8pm. For more information go to their website www.therailwayinnportslade.co.uk
2nd Tue
Portslade Recorded Music Society. Meetings first and third Tuesdays in each month at 7:30 pm, held at Loxdale English Centre, Locks Hill, BN41 2LA. Members £2:50 Visitors £3.00 Includes Tea/Coffee & cakes/biscuits.
Needlecraft Group at Portslade library. first & third tuesdays of the month at 10am - 12pm click here
3rd Wed
Storytime for pre school children at Portslade library 9.30 for 15 minutes on every first Wednesday of the month. For more information click here
United Reformed Church Warm Space will be open for you to drop in on Wednesdays from 10.30am - 12.30pm. A warm welcome awaits you so drop in and say hello, enjoy a hot drink and some friendly chat, knitting or puzzles, or some time for yourself. The church is on the No1 and 6 bus routes, opposite the sorting office. Portslade United Reformed Church, Station Road, BN41 1AB
4th Thu
Portslade Feminists Book Club. All genders welcome. 1st Thursday of every month - from 5.30 until 7pm at Portslade Library, BN41 1XR. Click here for their Facebook page.
5th Fri
Health walks every friday with Portslade library at 10am for 45 mins.
Writing Group at Portslade library 10.30am-12pm. First friday every month
Over 60's Social Group Bingo and /or a chat. Friday afternoons between 2.30 & 4pm? at South Portslade Community Centre, Church Road. Contact Carol email carol_byard@msn.com or call 01273 412240.
6th Sat
Portslade over55's Easthill Park history tour. The park was once a large garden for the wealthy Blaker family. Find out about their life, the Great Storm and a tragic spitfire accident. To book and more information click here
7th Sun
Free Comedy Night at The Blue Anchor Portslade, BN41 1DF. Starts at 8pm. A night of fantastic stand up comedy in our comfortable pub atmosphere. To book go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-comedy-base-at-the-blue-anchor-tickets
8th Mon
9th Tue
The United Reformed Church are welcoming a KSS Air Ambulance speaker to give a talk in their hall at 2.30pm, entrance in St Aubyns Road (opposite Papa Johns). An informative talk about the service and the latest news as they move forward with purchasing the helicopter. There will be the opportunity to ask any questions. If you are lucky there will be time for a cuppa afterwards. All will be welcome
10th Wed
United Reformed Church Warm Space will be open for you to drop in on Wednesdays from 10.30am - 12.30pm. A warm welcome awaits you so drop in and say hello, enjoy a hot drink and some friendly chat, knitting or puzzles, or some time for yourself. The church is on the No1 and 6 bus routes, opposite the sorting office. Portslade United Reformed Church, Station Road, BN41 1AB
Friendly Pub Quiz at the Stanley Arms, Portslade, BN41 1SS at 8pm for a prompt 8.30 ko. Everybody welcome, the more the merrier. Go and enjoy the banter. Quiz held this and every Wednesday.
11th Thu
12th Fri
Health walks every friday with Portslade library at 10am for 45 mins.
Over 60's Social Group Bingo and /or a chat. Friday afternoons between 2.30 & 4pm? at South Portslade Community Centre, Church Road. Contact Carol email carol_byard@msn.com or call 01273 412240.
13th Sat
Reading group at Portslade library 10.30 - 12pm. Second Saturday every month. Email bookgroupslibraries@brighton-hove.gov.uk
14th Sun
15th Mon
16th Tue
Portslade Recorded Music Society. Meetings first and third Tuesdays in each month at 7:30 pm, held at Loxdale English Centre, Locks Hill, BN41 2LA. Members £2:50 Visitors £3.00 Includes Tea/Coffee & cakes/biscuits.
Needlecraft Group at Portslade library. first & third tuesdays of the month at 10am - 12pm click here
17th Wed
United Reformed Church Warm Space will be open for you to drop in on Wednesdays from 10.30am - 12.30pm. A warm welcome awaits you so drop in and say hello, enjoy a hot drink and some friendly chat, knitting or puzzles, or some time for yourself. The church is on the No1 and 6 bus routes, opposite the sorting office. Portslade United Reformed Church, Station Road, BN41 1AB
Friendly Pub Quiz at the Stanley Arms, Portslade, BN41 1SS at 8pm for a prompt 8.30 ko. Everybody welcome, the more the merrier. Go and enjoy the banter. Quiz held this and every Wednesday.
18th Thu
19th Fri
Health walks every friday with Portslade library at 10am for 45 mins.
Over 60's Social Group Bingo and /or a chat. Friday afternoons between 2.30 & 4pm? at South Portslade Community Centre, Church Road. Contact Carol email carol_byard@msn.com or call 01273 412240.
20th Sat
21st Sun
22nd Mon
23rd Tue
The Paint Club is at The Railway Inn, BN41 1GA every 4th Tuesday Between 19:00 – 21:00 Today's subject; Elephants. To book https://www.thepaintclub.co.uk/events
24th Wed
United Reformed Church Warm Space will be open for you to drop in on Wednesdays from 10.30am - 12.30pm. A warm welcome awaits you so drop in and say hello, enjoy a hot drink and some friendly chat, knitting or puzzles, or some time for yourself. The church is on the No1 and 6 bus routes, opposite the sorting office. Portslade United Reformed Church, Station Road, BN41 1AB
Friendly Pub Quiz at the Stanley Arms, Portslade, BN41 1SS at 8pm for a prompt 8.30 ko. Everybody welcome, the more the merrier. Go and enjoy the banter. Quiz held this and every Wednesday.
25th Thu
26th Fri
Health walks every friday with Portslade library at 10am for 45 mins.
Over 60's Social Group Bingo and /or a chat. Friday afternoons between 2.30 & 4pm? at South Portslade Community Centre, Church Road. Contact Carol email carol_byard@msn.com or call 01273 412240.
27th Sat
28th Sun
Choo Choo Ch'Boogie at the Platform & The Railway Inn, Station Road, BN41 1GA. 4pm - 7pm. Free entry. Dress to impress in your finest nautical attire for a Nautical Party with resident DJ Jivin' Jim Dandy playing 1950's swing to rock'n'roll.
29th Mon
30th Tue
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